Our nut product lines include almonds (natural, and manufactured), walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, and pecans.
Our dried fruit product lines include cranberries, blueberries, cherries, raisins and prunes.


Almonds are California's largest agricultural commodity export by far, so it stands to reason that Sky Pacific's largest export to Japan is also almonds. We ship not only NPX J-Spec. whole almonds, but also high-quality Carmel-Type, Butte-Padre, Fritz, and American-grown Marcona. Regarding manufactured almonds, we supply both natural and blanched Japanese-Spec. slices, slivered, diced and powder, as well as BWB.


California walnuts are a favorite in Japan, used as a baking nut and increasingly as a snacking nut, both as a stand-alone product as well as a component of higher-end mixed nut combinations. As the walnut crop has expanded in size, the volume of shipments to Japan have grown as well, doubling in the past 10 years to record levels in 2016-2017. Sky Pacific ships LHP, LMP, LSP, LSBP, and LH, with offerings in several varieties, including Howard and of course Chandler. In addition, we pride ourselves on being one of the first shippers of new crop each year to the Japanese market.


American pecans from the U.S. southwest and southeast have caught on in Japan, as Japanese consumers are recognizing their unique flavor and texture. Sky Pacific can supply U.S. pecans from the US, or directly from Japanese importers next-day, when size and quality are available from inventory..


American pistachios have replaced Iranian pistachios as the in-shell snack of choice in the Japanese market. Pistachios from California are consistently high in quality, and with supply volumes growing, are reaching a more attractive price point with Japanese consumers, who now enjoy eating them at home as well as when eating and drinking out. Kernels too, although still a small percentage of overall imports into Japan, are becoming more popular. Sky Pacific ships both in-shell and kernels.

Dried Cranberries

Sky Pacific is the exclusive exporter of Atoka Cranberries from Quebec, Canada. Atoka dried cranberries feature authentic color and a pronounced flavor. Produced to exacting standards, Atoka cranberries are perfect for the “always strict on quality” Japanese users. Available in both conventional and organic, Sky Pacific has strips, diced, chunks or whole dried cranberries available.


California raisins have been a favorite of Japanese consumers for decades both as an item in baked goods as well as for snacking. Beyond the traditional use in breads and pastries, and in stand-alone snack packs, recently, use in energy bars, granolas and trail-mixes have become popular, increasing consumption by active and health-conscious shoppers. Sky Pacific has raisins available in various sizes.